
Update - 1.4

Main Power Base [MP-Base] 1.4
- Exports added to make functionality better
- New saving data function works with export

New Usages: Exports Server Side:
GetPlayer(source) - Returns player so local p = exports['MP-Base']:GetPlayer(source);
SetPlayersData(source, dataType, newData, newUtilityData) - Sets data if job then 2nd data entry is needed for grade: ex: exports['MP-Base']:SetPlayersData(source, "job", "police", 0)
GetPlayerData(source, dataType) - returns data type so ex: local pJob = exports['MP-Base']:GetPlayerData(source, "job") | pJob now = the job of player

Client Side Exports:
GetPlayerData(dataType) = Returns data type like server side | local pType = exports['MP-Base']:GetPlayerData("job") | pType now = job

How the setdata works:
It goes through our self function "self.Functions.setNewData = function(dataType, newData, newUtilityData)" then sets data and saves to client side therefor any updated data will be set on client side as well so there is no need for resources to make that update happen. Watch the video explaining it here: https://youtu.be/_1eCQAt9cUw

Update | 04/25/2024

Focus - 1.31

Main Power has picked up another developer to focus on creating scripts for the main power framework. Main Power is still being worked on bit by bit and allow any outside people to create scripts as we have offered all of our calls on https://mainpower.net/ The focus right now we are working on our HUD and our Phone as well as Jobs. We take in a lot of criticism and thank everyone for being with us! For the time being development will always continue as well as our development team as we actively look for people to help build and create with MP. Have something you think would be good to suggest for the framework? use ⁠general and tell us what you want to see!

Update | 02/08/2024

Update 1.3

  • Changes
  • MP Base functions added to help with banking script.
  • Commands changed to make suggestions work
  • Base changed to making admin command of saving cords work
  • How save cords works is on command, makes a file called coords.txt where it post all cords inside
  • MP Elements Altered to display cash more fluently
  • MP Base Money altered to save on new money/changed money
  • [MP-Banking] - Thank you @[Dev] JaxDanger , for the banking making the client and server typescript files. As well as all the work you put into MP.
  • MP-Banking now has it own UI where it displays the players banking and status
  • Update | 11/25/2023

    Update 1.2

  • Added
  • Ported fully into MP and correctly saving and use of creation on character
  • MP-Base
  • Changes to base to help for clothing and inventory fixes
  • Auto saving every 20 min by default can change in config
  • updates to database holding inventory now
  • Changes:
  • altered self profile and playerdata to hold more information when storing and saving data
  • allows for use of simple data transfers
  • change deletion of character to include all sql's up to this point
  • Fixed /cash now shows properly
  • notifications in elements fixed will display bottom left
  • Update | 09/16/2023

    Update 1.11

  • Clothing Added in and added with player creation.
  • Saving clothing fixed
  • outfit saving fixed
  • Database fixes for clothing
  • map manger fixes
  • loading screen fix - now works and has loading bar
  • Added
  • Clothing
  • Target System
  • Progbar/alerts
  • Needs work:
  • save player on logout
  • finishing touches on menu and clothing to make it work properly
  • Inventory
  • Phone
  • Update | 09/14/2023